NFC offers a variety of services to our clients to help meet their ownership and management goals. A few of these are outlined below.
Forest Management
Forest Management Plans
N.Y.S.480a Forest Tax Law Management Plans
Management Plans for Smartwood and other forest certifications
Watershed Management
Forest Inventory, Value Assessment and Mapping
Pre-commercial Thinning
Wildlife Management Planning and Implementation
Forest Recreation Management
Forest Insect and Disease Investigation
Forest Property Reconnaissance
Tree Planting
Sugar Bush Management
Timber Sales, Contract Preparation and Administration
Timber Theft Investigation and Assessment
Timber Loss Evaluation, Salvage Management
Geographical Information System (GIS)
NRCS - Technical Service Provider

Northwoods Forest Consultants, LLC. (NFC) is a privately owned consulting forestry firm located near Lake Placid in the Adirondacks. They currently manage some 65,000 acres of private forest land primarily in Clinton, Essex and Franklin Counties. NFC was established in 1990 to foster quality management for forest owners.
Meet the Team
Deborah Boyce, CF
Has been a consulting forester in the Adirondacks since 1987. Member of the LLC. Graduated in 1986 with BS Degree in Resources Management and Forest Biology from SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, NY. Salutatorian class of 1986. In 2005 Awarded Forester of the Year by the New York Society of American Foresters.

What is a forester?
A Forester is a person that has a four-year degree in forestry from an accredited college. A consulting forester is a forester that offers his/her expertise to the general public for a fee. The important thing is that we, as foresters, work for your interest, no one else's.
Why is forest management important?
It takes a long time to grow a tree and when it comes to managing your property you only get a few chances to do it right. An improper timber harvest can take decades to fix. With proper forest management you can realize
a healthy and productive forest.
The first step in forest management is to look at the goals of ownership and develop these into the strategy for the future. The future of the forest depends on you, the landowner, to take the first step and make the proper management decision. Better air and water quality, enhancement of recreational opportunities, improvement of wildlife habitats, as well as productive healthy forests can all be part of your forest management strategies.
What is the 480a Forest Tax Law?
The 480a Forest tax law is designed for forest land owners with 50+ acres. An owner may receive up to an 80% reduction on their assessment of commercial forest land, by doing proper forest management by following a forest management plan. The owner that goes under 480a must have professional help and a management plan.
For more information on the 480a law click here.

Get In Touch
13111 NYS Route 9N
PO Box 307
Jay, NY 12941
Tel: 518-946-7040
Fax: 518-946-7722
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